Posted by member 274805 on 2006-10-24 16:59:08 link

ok, this is what i have, can anyone test it out, and tell me why the scroll wont.. well. scroll and what i need to add for the fade onEnter and onLeave to work?
*label emule

;places in bottom right
emulex 1097
emuley -62

emuleText "Status: [windowTitle('#32770')]"

emuleWidth 180
emuleHeight 22

emuleTransparencyMode true
emuleAlwaysOnTop false

emuleTitleTextFade 5

emuleFontHeight 15
emuleFontColor 137A99
emuleLeftBorder 5
emuleRightBorder 5

emuleSolidColors 000000 115C6F 115C6F
emuleSolidBevelSize 1

emuleTitleScroll horizontal
emuleTitleScrollSpeed 2