Posted by member 5575 on 2006-06-25 23:38:16 link

It'd probably be easiest to see it used in a theme, rather than just looking at the pieces. The script itself is in the "WeatherNotDLL" folder in my Penumbra theme (available here or at The theme has been updated quite a bit since then, but the script is still pretty much the same, IIRC. If you look at the other parts of the theme you can see how the script is called (timer or bang), the argument list, some possible display formats, etc. I'm not ready to release the updated version yet - I'd have to write up new documentation for *that*. =P

If you're just wanting the current weather conditions then wazup.dll is much simpler. I have all the extended forecast stuff and lots of other shite (sunrise, sunset, moon phase) in the script.