Posted by member 5575 on 2006-05-27 23:26:06 link

The default skin config has changed a bit - you should look at the docs and update your paths (for rainlendar) accordingly. I have all of these set in personal.rc:

RainlendarPath "$PersonalDir$rainlendar"
RainlendarEventsPath "$PersonalDir$rainlendar"
RainlendarLanguagesPath "$PersonalDir$rainlendar\languages"

And these are in the theme.rc (module version and/or skin-specific settings):

RainlendarPluginsPath "$ModulesDir$$calendarModule$"
RainlendarSkinsPath "$ConfigDir$Rainlendar"
RainlendarCurrentSkin "Default"
RainlendarCurrentSkinIni "default.ini"

CalendarModule is the evar I use to store the name and version of rainlendar I use, so it points to a specific subfolder of the modules directory - the one for that version of rainlendar.

You may also need to add settings for the event list and to-do list, as they may not have been present in the older version you DL'ed.