Posted by member 212670 on 2006-03-22 18:41:16 link

This is really rough, and you will have to tweak it to your needs. But it will give you something to start on. If you have any further problems, you're going to have to be specific on what you're stuck with.

*Label container
containerX 50
containerY 50
containerWidth 80
containerHeight 100
containerSolidColors FFFFFF
containerSolidBevelSize 1

*Label scroll
scrollX 5
scrollY 5
scrollWidth 70
scrollHeight 200
scrollSolidColors A6A6A6
scrollText "This is some text...This is some text...This is some text..."
scrollAutoLineBreak true
scrollFocusOnEnter true
scrollOnWheelUp !LabelMoveBy scroll 0 5
scrollOnWheelDown !LabelMoveBy scroll 0 -5

*containerModuleHook !LabelLsBoxHook scroll