Posted by member 212670 on 2006-03-14 01:13:08 link

As far as I know, it hasn't been brought up to him. It's pretty minor, and doesn't get used much, so it's under the radar, I guess.

And yup, it can cause issues, if you're expecting something else to be returned. Put this in a command (needs xlabel loaded):

!ParseEvars !alert "%#path%#"
(or even: !ParseEvars !alert "%#processor_identifier%#")

You'll notice "path" expands perfectly using the Windows var. If you have !alert $path$ in an mz script, it'll also expand to the Windows var. *Script exec !alert %{path} won't, though, since that indicates an mzscript var. But, you can do !varset path $path$, then !alert %{path}, and, of course, it'll return the Windows var.

Anyway, I seem to be rambling on tonight...