Posted by member 212670 on 2006-02-05 13:58:00 link

I just tried your settings:

PopupAdaptiveWidth true
PopupMaxWidth 200
PopupMinWidth 60
PopupBorderLeft 3
PopupBorderRight 3
PopupPaintMode stretch

PopupEntryColor 646464
PopupSelEntryColor ffffff
PopupOverlapX -3
PopupOverlapY -2
PopupFontFace "tahoma"
PopupFontHeight 16
PopupTitleHeight 2
PopupSubMenuHeight 15
PopupDateTimeAlign 1
PopupEntryAlignment center

and it worked as intended, using popup2-2.1.7. (I changed the font, though, since I don't have hooge installed.)

You could (should) update to the final build in the downloads section, but I don't think that's the problem.