Posted by member 298966 on 2006-01-17 11:45:55 link

Hmm. The theme I'm using only uses label-1.99, so I added in xlabel. As of right now, the theme lists the stats, but has the syntax of the label module. Here is the code for the memory stats:

memlabeltext "resource usage:\nhdd: [diskavailable('c:')] of
[disktotal('c:')]\nhdd2: [diskavailable('e:')] of
[disktotal('e:')]\nram: [meminuse] of [memtotal]\notal mem:
[memavailable]\nswap: [swapinuse] of [swaptotal]\ngeforce temp: [mbmTemperature]"

memlabeljustify "left"
memlabelx 15
memlabely 88
memlabelwidth 150
memlabelheight 82
memlabelfont "hooge 05_55 caps"
memlabelfontcolor ffffff
memlabelfontheight 12
memlabelupdateinterval 100
memlabelonrightclick !popup

Can I just add in that part that I have bold? Like mix the parameters of both modules like that? Right now it only outputs 0, when I add in a number after it I get a syntax error. Do I need to make a seperate line for the temperature call?