Posted by member 287251 on 2005-12-08 00:29:43 link

Okay I redid the code again now its

;ckhotspots config

*ckHotspot 0 0 -170 0 !"xTaskbarHide" !"xTaskbarShow" "taskbarx" "on"
*ckHotspot 0 0 150 790 !"Taskbar2Show" !"Taskbar2Hide" "taskbartop" "on"



*Script bang !"Taskbar2Hide"
*Script exec !LsBoxMoveBox taskbar2 -10 0 10 15
*Script exec !HotSpotAdjust taskbartop 0 0 0 -30
*Script ~bang

*Script bang !"Taskbar2Show"
*Script exec !LsBoxMoveBox taskbar2 0 0 10 15
*Script exec !HotSpotAdjust taskbartop 0 0 0 30
*Script ~bang

*Script bang !"xTaskbarHide"
*Script exec !xTaskbarReposition taskbar 170 0 10 15
*Script exec !HotSpotAdjust taskbarx 0 0 -30 0
*Script ~bang

*Script bang !"xTaskbarShow"
*Script exec !xTaskbarMove taskbar -170 0 200 1280 10 15
*Script exec !HotSpotAdjust taskbarx 0 0 30 0
*Script ~bang

Ignore the negative connataions they're not the problem, they set xtaskbar to come out of the right side of the desktop and it does function. Taskbar2 is supposed to pop out of the top left and isn't working.

edit: fixed it xcal and yes I do read the readmes; I didn't notice it becuase the bar is doing what I want it to do on my desktop so I didn't notice it. Thanks though.