Posted by member 287251 on 2005-12-07 22:52:12 link

No it isn't but i'm going to post the updated code just in case I changed something and X happened.

updated theme.rc
;ckhotspots config

*ckHotspot "0" "0" "-170" "0" !"xTaskbarHide" !"xTaskbarShow" "taskbarx" "on"
*ckHotspot "0" "0" "150" "790" !"Taskbar2Show" !"Taskbar2Hide" "taskbartop" "on"

updated Script


*Script bang !HotspotON
*Script ~bang

*Script bang !"Taskbar2Hide"
*Script exec !LsBoxMoveBox "taskbar2" "-10" "0" ["1000" "5ms"]
*Script exec !HotSpotAdjust "taskbartop" "0" "0" "0" "-30"
*Script ~bang

*Script bang !"Taskbar2Show"
*Script exec !LsBoxMoveBox "taskbar2" "0" "0" ["1000" "5ms"]
*Script exec !HotSpotAdjust "taskbartop" "0" "0" "0" "30"
*Script ~bang

*Script bang !"xTaskbarHide"
*Script exec !xTaskbarMove "taskbar" "-170" "0" "200" "1280" ["1000" "5ms"]
*Script exec !HotSpotAdjust "taskbarx" "0" "0" "-30" "0"
*Script ~bang

*Script bang !"xTaskbarShow"
*Script exec !xTaskbarReposition "taskbar "170" "0" ["1000" "5ms"]
*Script exec !HotSpotAdjust "taskbarx" "0" "0" "30" "0"
*Script ~bang

same LSBox

*Label taskbar2

LsBoxName taskbar2
LsBoxX 0
LsBoxY 0
LSBoxDragRect 0 0 0 0
LsBoxHeight 80
LsBoxWidth 790
LsBoxBackGround bar2.bmp

*ModuleHook !VTrayHook
*ModuleHook !VWMLoadBoxHook
*ModuleHook !CommandBoxHook

xTaskbar works, taskbar2 is the one not working and isn't moving.

Eh, I got into Litestep and coding becuase its fun and its free. I have a natural knack to take apart and make better things; so to me coding is a obvious choice to do something of the sort with computers. Thats why I do it.. :\