Posted by member 12025 on 2005-11-14 15:19:04 link

HaX $HiraganaChartX+5$
HaY $HiraganaChartY+20+5$

0,0 is the parent window's 0,0; not the display's 0,0. This sets HaX to be a full 100px beyond the right edge of the parent.

Try this:
; -=================================- Theme -=====- ;
ThemeName "none so far"
ThemeAuthor "Minori"
; -===============================- Include -=====- ;
img $themedir$\images
; -===============================- NetLoad -=====- ;
*NetLoadModule jdesk-0.73
*Netloadmodule xLabel-3.4.8
; -=================================- JDesk -=====- ;
jDeskWorkArea 0, 0, 0, 0
; -================================- Labels -=====- ;
HiraganaChartMoveable true
HiraganaChartMoveModifierKey ".none"

; --- Hiragana Chart ---
*Label HiraganaChart
HiraganaChartX 200
HiraganaChartY 200
HiraganaChartWidth 105
HiraganaChartHeight 345
HiraganaChartImage $img$\hiragana\HiraganaChart_bg.png

; --- Hiragana ---
*HiraganachartModuleHook !LabelLSBoxHook Ha
HaX 5
HaY 25
HaWidth 15
HaHeight 15
HaImage $img$\hiragana\ha.png