Posted by member 212670 on 2005-10-11 00:34:48 link

First, you're using a really old version of xlabel. Use 3.4.2.

Second, are you trying to make an image have a transparent area, or make a whole label transparent? If it's an image, you don't need to add the settings above. By default, just create the image and use the "magic pink" for areas you want transparent. If you're wanting to make a label transparent, still, don't use the settings above, just set (label)AlphaTransparency value (value is 0 - 255). This sentence is confusing: "the label is transparent but only to the back ground." The background of what?

Btw, doing a quick forum search for "magic pink" revealed this sentence "that's label, and it's a known bug. It's fixed in xlabel (was actually, util 2.8)" which is probably related to your problem.