Posted by member 212670 on 2005-07-18 22:42:15 link

Well, using xlabel you could have a parent label, and hook the amp buttons (made out of labels), shortcuts (also labels) and lsxcommand in to it. If you wanted them seperate for some reason, you could hook them in to their own labels, and then just use xlabel's docking feature.

Here's a simple hooking example using xlabel:
*Label parent
parentX 50
parentY 50
parentWidth 76
parentHeight 52
parentSolidColors eeeeee ffffff 000000
parentSolidBevelSize 0
parentMoveable true
parentMoveModifierKey .none
parentText "drag"
parentFontVertAlign Bottom

*Label child
childX 4
childY 4
childWidth 32
childHeight 32
childSolidColors dadada ffffff 000000
childSolidBevelSize 1
childHoverSolidColors eeeeee ffffff 000000
childHoverSolidBevelSize 1
childPressedSolidColors eeeeee 000000 ffffff
childPressedSolidBevelSize 1
childOnLeftClick !whateverbang

*parentModuleHook !LabelLSBoxHook child

*Label child2
child2X 40
child2Y 4
child2Width 32
child2Height 32
child2SolidColors dadada ffffff 000000
child2SolidBevelSize 1
child2HoverSolidColors eeeeee ffffff 000000
child2HoverSolidBevelSize 1
child2PressedSolidColors eeeeee 000000 ffffff
child2PressedSolidBevelSize 1
child2OnLeftClick !whateverbang

*parentModuleHook !LabelLSBoxHook child2

...and so on.

Check out xlabel 3.4.1's readme file. Andymon has done a great job of documenting his modules.