Posted by member 32550 on 2004-08-27 17:14:23 link

if you want to hook xtaskbar into a label or lsbox, you need this setting!!!!
try set the width of the tray to 0

I'm not quite sure why you're using traySnap... it's hooked, so it doesnÄt make any sense.

ah *lol* .... what is wrong in those lines???

*Label VtrayLabel
VtrayLabelMoveModifierKey "ctrl"
vtraybitmap "systemtray.png"
vtrayLabelX 0
vtraylabely 0

(watch the bold ones, maybe you'll find it now on your own)

the trayonadd.. you have to write more then that.
onAdd [!resize label]
onDel [!resize label again]

in the past I had problems with vTraySettingsCompatibility, maybe you should kill this setting and rename systray to vTray, could be also a problem