Posted by member 99 on 2004-08-25 03:01:25 link

Well, without indentation and written in VB, I saw "folder recursion" and guessed from there... at least with batch there's no indentation to lose. ;)

btw, if you decide that some sorted folder, say 'l', needs to be sorted further, you can adjust the length of the prefix it chops off and run it again on that subfolder. Something like:
set WHAT=%*
:: skip 4-char long names
if "%WHAT:~4,1%"=="" goto :eof
:: make the section if it doesn't exist
if not exist "%WHAT:~0,4%" md "%WHAT:~0,4%"
:: brush your teeth
move "%WHAT%" "%WHAT:~0,4%\%WHAT%" > NUL
goto :eof