Posted by member 12025 on 2004-08-08 09:29:33 link

Well, that would involve HD access, slowing things down a good bit. If I could figure out how, I might try a module :). I actually did think of that, and it might not be that bad, given no GUI stuff would be needed. I just managed to get the source, so now I'll see how far over my head things can get today :).

So far I've tried just doing extra expansions (I want to do more, but that's the most annoying thing I want to deal with), and the script calling itself again kills LS (no errors, just bye-bye litestep), and doing it by looping with more literal replacements, I get into special cases easily and it just doesn't do quite right, at least when I need to do multiple replacements at the same level.

Since using %{} is just asking for trouble w/ mzScript (tried that already, many times), I was working with < and >, and yes, using xLabel to do some of it.