Posted by member 12025 on 2004-08-07 12:49:19 link

Evar math w/ mzscript?
(rummages through readme)
Ah! Yup, that'll do it. %# stuff %#.
Just need +, -, *, / and () for order of operations. I have some scripts that are getting pretty large. FI, until a couple minutes ago, this was 11 lines
*script exec !varSet VWMWidth %# %{VWM_desk_width} * %{VWMDesksX} %#
*script exec !varSet VWMHeight %# ( %{VWM_desk_width}*%{VWM_desk_ratio} ) * %{VWMDesksY} %#
*script exec !varSet vwmBoxHeight %# %{VWMHeight} + %{vwmBorderTop}+%{vwmBorderBottom} %#
*script exec !varSet vwmBoxWidth %# %{VWMWidth} + %{vwmBorderLeft}+%{vwmBorderRight} %#
It's basically the same as previous themes, but I'm adding options, and so also adding a ton more variables. The taskbar scripts I wasn't even about to try until having a solution to the problem of massive amounts of lines.