Posted by member 103254 on 2004-07-28 18:05:57 link

Now, using the above code, it would work fine until your systray would wrap. Then, your systray wouldn't get wider (only higher), but your taskbar would still het narrower, I think you get the idea. But I spent a few hours reading mzscript docs, coding and testing, and here it is, my first script ;)

What it does is make sure your taskbar doesn't get narrower once your systray doesn't get wider.

Set this variable in your mzVarFile:

"sticons" "0"

and put this in your mzScriptFile:

*Script bang !stadd
*Script exec !varadd sticons 1
*Script exec !ifeval ("%{sticons}" < "%#SystrayWrapCount+1%#") '!taskbarshrink 18 0'
*Script ~bang

*Script bang !stdel
*Script exec !varadd sticons -1
*Script exec !ifeval ("%{sticons}" < "%#SystrayWrapCount%#") '!taskbargrow 18 0'
*Script ~bang

In any included rc file, add

SystrayOnAdd !stadd
SystrayOnDel !stdel

Should work no matter what your SystrayWrapCount is, except 0, which is default and unlimited. Then everything will get screwed up. If you use a non-wrapping systray, do not use this script. Use only the code in my last post