Posted by member 180603 on 2004-07-18 16:54:37 link

i got what i was looking for. I made sure as to not make mistakes as easy as those. thanks for the help anyway.
i fixed it by making 2 labels and splitting the graphic background between then minutes and seconds. here is the code
*Label TimeLabel
;Label Main Settings
TimeLabelAddToGroup "TaskBar"
TimeLabelX "-114"
TimeLabelY "-40"
TimeLabelWidth "70"
TimeLabelHeight "29"

TimeLabelImage "timeLableleft.png"

if mode24
TimeLabelText "[time('ii : nn')]"
TimeLabelText "[time('hh : nn' )]"


TimeLabelFont "hooge 05_55 cyr2"
TimeLabelFontHeight "25"
TimeLabelVertAlign "bottom"
TimeLabelleftBorder "8"
TimeLabelAlphaTransparency "195"
;Event Settings
TimeLabelOnLeftClickDown control.exe timedate.cpl
TimeLabelOnRightClickDown !PopupClock

*Label TimeLabel2
;Label Main Settings
TimeLabel2AddToGroup "TaskBar"
TimeLabel2X "-45"
TimeLabel2Y "-40"
TimeLabel2Width "30"
TimeLabel2Height "25"

TimeLabel2TransparencyMode "FAKE"
TimeLabel2Image "timelableright.png"

;Label Text Settings

if mode24
TimeLabel2Text "[time('ss')]"
TimeLabel2Text "[time('ss')]"

FontSmoothing true
TimeLabel2Font "hooge 05_55 cyr2"
TimeLabel2FontHeight "14"
TimeLabel2VertAlign "bottom"
TimeLabel2rightBorder "2"
TimeLabel2AlphaTransparency "195"

here is a pic of the final product