Posted by member 31 on 2004-07-13 10:37:12 link

what is in HKLM\software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\winlogon\shell ?

What happens if you delete the HKCU 'shell' setting, and enter litestep in the HKLM shell entry?

And I don't know if this will help, but it was just released:

I've seen people mention this problem before, and I haven't seen anyone follow up with a solution. So, if you do find out, please post back.

My only guess so far is that another program is inexplicably trying to relaunch the shell when it starts because it assumes Explorer should be running, and when it doesn't detect it, then executes the shell entry again. But I have no idea why that would be the case (and it probably isn't). But you could always try disabling all startup items, and see if the problem goes away...

Last question, when you installed litestep (I'm assuming you used Omar's Litestep Installer) did you install it per user, or for all users?

Good luck.