Posted by member 108633 on 2004-06-30 19:20:35 link

None of the settings I put don't take effect. Here's part of my theme.rc file :
LoadModule "C:\litestep\modules\icondesk.dll"

;----Icon Config----

IconDeskUpdateInterval 1000
;The time, in ms, to wait between checking if there has been any
;updates in the displayed folders. Defaults to 1000 (1 second).
;IconDesk is configured much in the same way as Maduin's Label.
;Begin with specifying a list of groups to add (a group [of
;icons] is basicly a folder to display).

IconDeskGroups name1[,name2[,name3]]

Visible True
;Determines whether or not the group is visible. Defaults to

X 0
Y 0
;Position on the desktop to start drawing the icons. Both
;defaults to 0.

Size 32
;Size of the icons, in pixels. Defaults to 32.

SpacingX 0
SpacingY 0
;Distance between the icons. Not that the distance is calculated
;between the rectangles formed by both the icons and the text.
;Defaults to 0, both ways.

Direction down
;The direction to draw the icons in. Defaults to right.

WrapDirection right
;Direction to wrap the icons in. Defaults to down. Note: If
;Direction is set to right or left, WrapDirection must be up or
;down and vice versa.

WrapCount 10
;Number of icons to display before wrapping to the next line
;or column. Defaults to 10.

Font Tahoma
FontSize 13
FontItalic False
FontBold False
FontColor ffffff
;Font used to display the filenames. Defaults to Arial, size 14,
;white, neither bold nor italic.

TextWidth 64
TextHeight 28
;Size of the box where the text is drawn. Defaults to 64x28.

TextShadowDepth 1
;If set, a text shadow will be drawn the specified number of
;pixels below and to the right of the normal text. Negative
;numbers will place the shadow above and to the left of the
;normal text. Defaults to 0.

;The color of the text shadow. Defaults to 80 80 80.

*IconDesk 1 Folder C:\Windows\Desktop

And addind IconDesk infront of some of those doesnt make a difference. It still doesnt work.
IconDeskFont Tahoma
instead of this doesnt work.
Font Tahoma