Posted by member 103440 on 2004-06-10 06:21:38 link

Hi fosi! I have the solution :D. You can use Wazup-1.35 to get the external IP for you and display the result in any label. Wazup is a plugin that parses web pages (nothing compared with samurize but ... )
Here is the code:
;Check External IP
*Wazup IpCheck

IpCheckUpdateInterval 1800
IpCheckInputString "Current IP Address: {%}"
IpCheckOutputString "IP: {%1}"
IpCheckOnChecked !Execute [!WazupSetUpdateInterval IpCheck 9999999]
IF WaZupVerboseOn
IpCheckOnFailure !Execute [!WazupSetUpdateInterval IpCheck 60] [!alert "Error: IP was not updated."]
IpCheckOnUpdated !alert "IP has been update"
IpCheckOnFailure !Execute [!WazupSetUpdateInterval IpCheck 60]
IpCheckLocalFile "$ConfigDir$wazup_ip.html"
IpCheckEnabled true
IpCheckSilent true
IpCheckDisplayOn IpLabel ;This is a label you should create do display the IP.