Posted by member 99 on 2004-05-23 18:24:41 link

Threaded modules load simultaneously *if* you're not using NLM. NLM will load threaded modules sequencially, which could be good or bad depending on the situation, though it'd be very hard for NLM to provide the option.

And you want anything that's "on bottom" *after* the desktop module. (because they are actually docked to the desktop window) Things that are only floating or on top usually don't really need the desktop.

Most modules work ok with threading because there's only ever one thread executing in the module, but it can screw up some types of advanced scripting/inter-module communication. (there are some other cases that are less likely too)

Also, threading will probably use *slightly* more CPU time, I think way less than 1%. It's doesn't actually make things faster, just potentially more responsive. And even then most likely only LiteStep itself. It's really useful if you've got flaky modules that like to run off and freeze everything. Put them in a separate thread and they don't take out all of LS.