Posted by member 93947 on 2004-04-28 16:37:08 link

ok, with jdesk and rapidvwm you can do something like

*jDeskMWheelScroll [.none; !VWMLeft; !VWMRight]. This calls !VWMLeft when i scroll the mousewheel down and !VWMRight when i scroll up. The problem is, this only works when the jdesk, the desktop itself, is active. You have to do that by clicking on it. But when i call one of the Bangs, the VWM gets activated, so in order to use the wheel again, i would have to click the desktop. I was asking if there is a way to circumvent this problem. If that is not possible, i would love if any of the following suggestions would be implemented:

a) Having a !bang that sends focus to modules (generall, id like that).
b) Having a bang like !TakeFocus in jdesk.
c) Changing the VWM not to take focus at all, as it doesnt need it for anything.

I wonder that noone wanted that feature before. I love using the mousewheel to switch through desks fast and easy in some *nix shells. Please make that possible :]