Posted by member 17899 on 2004-04-11 13:06:42 link

This is Script.rc...

;Keep Systray Centered

*script var trayXpos $ResolutionX/2$

*script bang !Systray_Left
*script exec !varAdd trayXpos -9
*script exec !SystrayMove %{trayXpos} -25
*script ~bang

*script bang !Systray_Right
*script exec !varAdd trayXpos 9
*script exec !SystrayMove %{trayXpos} -25
*script ~bang

Tray is stuck in lower left corner after recycle. Adding or removing icons in tray does not move tray.

If I comment out the 4 lines of Syatray_Left, the tray starts with the left edge at center bottom (extended right). Adding icon does nothing...removing icon moves tray to lower left corner.