Posted by member 1 on 2004-03-10 02:03:41 link

I find parts of OTS2 very nice...and others completely suck major b00ty. I personally have no desire to create an OTS2 theme from scratch. There are so many not so nice things about it that I don't know if they out weigh the good stuff. We have had many a battle on IRC about this and I am not about to start rehashing it here, because no matter what, it comes back to "If you don't like it make it better."

As for the drop off in themes I don't think it really has much to do with the movement to OTS2. I think it has come more from LSnet going away and people just growing up. I talked to jalist the other day, who finally redownloaded LS, and he is for the first time using someone elses theme. To me it is shocking to hear that one of the greatest LS themers doesn't want to theme in it anymore. Same goes for many others that I still keep in touch with. I think now we need some new blood to come and step up to the plate and release good themes.