Posted by member 54846 on 2003-11-10 20:56:19 link

Right now ShellWM is being coded by ONE person, Floyd25.

He has Issused a "Call to Arms" of sorts for new blood to impower progress. I can't code... yet. But I'm sure someone here could help with ShellWM.

If someone from here got in contact with Floyd25 to be a coder for the prog they could help steer it into module "like" format for litestep and useable for all people.

Here is his message and a link to the site.

Guys, I really need some help with this prog. Looking at the latest site
stats reveals that there were 1000s of people visiting this site and
100s of them downloading shellWM.

I know that many people are using shellWM and it's
giving me a headache that so many users are actually using
a buggy version of shellwm. If I only had more time to
bring out a fresh version.

Is there anybody willing to help with programming this beast ?

