Posted by member 1316 on 2003-10-29 12:15:43 link

well, apparently you've never done any type of user support work. cause sorry, but most users will not read docs. then again, there are some that will read every single sentence, but still understand none of it. you need to recognize the fact (no offense intended) that, yes, we can configure litestep, and we enjoy making it work and figuring out any problems we come across. however, the kind of marketing you're talking about wouldn't be focused on us, it would be focused on joe everybody. the kind of person who can't even replace a hard drive, let alone read through pages and pages of documentation and configure his shell piece by piece.
and, this is not even taking into consideration the fact that most people don't WANT to spend time configuring their system. they want to buy the system, plug it in, and start using it right away. if it takes too long, they get frustrated and pissed. most people wouldn't care how configurable and customizable litestep is. they would just see that it's difficult to get it to work how they want it.

don't get me wrong, some people will see litestep's benefits, and not care about it's downfall's, and they will jump into it head first. but most people won't. they may try. a lot of them may. until they see how complicated it can be.