Posted by member 36955 on 2003-10-15 22:33:14 link

a better alternative to the !init scripts and stuff like that would be to use textedit... modify !amp_show, etc to set the mzvar and edit the step.rc line to make it start that way next time, for example
*script bang !sys_show
*script exec !systrayShow
*script exec !textreplace "$ThemeDir$theme.rc "^(SystrayHidden)" "\~\1"
*script exec !varSet tray "true"
*script exec !varReplace tray
*script ~bang

*script bang !sys_hide
*script exec !systrayHide
*script exec !textreplace "$ThemeDir$theme.rc "^\~(SystrayHidden)" "\1"
*script exec !varSet tray "false"
*script exec !varReplace tray
*script ~bang

init scripts are messy, and increase the time for litestep to !recycle