Posted by member 7223 on 2003-10-07 15:26:52 link

I really don't understand anything: when I switch to OTS2 few weeks ago, I've deleted all the moduledir stuff to be sure modules are correctly downloaded.
Now, I'm about to post my theme, I've installed the last "Litestep Installer" to start from a newbie point of view and I can't make netloadmodule download mzscript-09b12. I'm using this:
*netloadmodule mzscript-0.9_beta-12-jam4

Update: humm, it should be due to the update of netloadmodule. I have tried with quotes surounding the url and it works

Update: aaarrrggghz... it worked. Now, it doesn't work anymore. It would be simplier to upload mzcript-0.9b12j4 to