Posted by member 31 on 2003-09-30 08:42:42 link

*blink* if it was understood, it wouldn't be magic now, would it? :)

Loading the offending module before jDesk should have fixed the problem however. Although it would reapear if you tried toggling the zOrder while running.

Anyway, I'd have to dig back into it to refigure it out, it has been too long to remember. :) But it is all documented in MSDN as well (owner/parent relationships with owned/children) It doesn't really have anything to do with setting "ontopness" except that how the child/parent relation is handled can affect the ontopness when switching things around. Hrmm or something like that, anyway.

The sure fire way of having things work correctly, is destroying the window each time you want to change the parent/owner and re-creating it with the new settings. Might not always be feasible though.