Posted by member 37809 on 2003-09-01 08:30:05 link

Last time I tried I couldn't get any version of textedit with the new @ syntax to work with even plain strings...

Using two backslashes doesn't work with mz-vars and textedit, but four does.
*script exec !setlistsep \
*script exec !varset working "%{args}\end"
*script exec !varset path ""
*script label loop
*script exec !varset path "%{path}\\\\%{working:}"
*script exec !varset working "%{working:_}"
*script gotoif ("%{working}" = "end") done
*script goto loop
*script label done
*script exec !varremove working
*script exec !varset path "%{path:_}"
*script exec !varset path "%{path:_}"
*script exec !varset path "%{path:_}"
*script exec !varset path "%{path:_}"
*script exec !setlistsep :
; this I modified to the newer syntax (untested):
*script exec !textreplace @$rcfile$@ @^evarToReplace @ @&"%{path}"@