how to configure themes for multiple users? Thread last updated on 2003-05-18 01:38:44

Posted by member 11674 on 2003-05-17 05:23:38

im running winxp and was just wondering how do i have different themes for multiple users...

cause it switches to the theme used by last user logged on...

i heard you have to include some code in $litestepdir$step.rc but i don't know the code...

can any string whorers help ?

Posted by member 1783 on 2003-05-17 06:01:30 link

there is a thread about it somewhere here...

btw, who the *** is a string whorer???

Posted by member 11674 on 2003-05-17 22:08:08 link

a string whorer is someone who knows alot about string commands and is an elite litestep programmer....

hmmm i tried searching for it couldnt find nething

any specific words in that topic i should include in the search?

Posted by member 1 on 2003-05-17 22:31:15 link

I think he actually meant post whore...but das ok. :) As for the multiple user thing...there is another thread on it that covers it well.

Posted by member 11674 on 2003-05-17 23:23:14 link

yeah i found the thread

and it worked perfectly (you guys are the best!)
but LSCP/LSTS rips apart $litestepdir$step.rc completely =P

i used the include "$litestepdir$$username$\step.rc" command

Posted by member 1 on 2003-05-18 00:22:17 link

It would be much easier to edit the registry entry in 2K/XP to give fixed themes. Or...if you want to do it you can mess around with mzScript and TextEdit to do it in a popup so ppl can change themes.

Posted by member 11674 on 2003-05-18 01:38:44 link

i've tried everything now and my conclusion is...

having multiple instances of litestep for each user is the best...

cause they can have their own shortcuts, also if they screw up their copy of litestep it wouldnt affect you :)

thanx for all the help
dis forum rocks!