Popup2.dll icons not working? Thread last updated on 2003-05-18 05:01:24

Posted by member 27450 on 2003-05-15 12:10:04

I've had this strange issue for awhile, I have popup icons turned on, and on most of the entries they show up fine, and I have a default icon set for any entries that don't have icons, but some of the popup entries just don't show ANY icon. Try as I might I can't figure out why... For example I have a direct link to my theme's step.rc in my popup menu, and it never shows any icon, even if I set one manually. In "LS Documentation" !dynamicfolder some of the text files show the text icon, others show nothing. The link for "find.exe" also shows nothing, even if set manually. And the really strange thing is that all of these icons show up properly if I browse to the folder their in using !popupmycomputer. This behavior is so inconsistent I can't for the life of me figure out what's causing it. Any ideas?

Posted by member 602 on 2003-05-16 01:11:39 link

First, popupdeFaultIcon can be used to specify the obvious.
Second, the format shown for adding icons in the docs might be wrong if I'm not mistaken, anyway here's the right one:

*Popup .icon=C:\metapad.exe,1 &MetaPad c:\metapad.exe

Also make sure you have a recent build. It might give you the abbility to add some icons to some special elements.

Posted by member 23979 on 2003-05-16 09:53:06 link

What format is needed for icons?

Posted by member 27450 on 2003-05-17 23:57:03 link

This is just a straight copy of an e-mail I posted on the LS Mailing list, it explains what the problem is and how to work around it.

I'm really surprised I haven't heard anything about this... I had a
post on Litestep.net's forums about a problem I was having getting
popup2 to display icons for certain entries, and I was able to figure
out the problem. Popup2 doesn't seem to show an icon on any entry
whose path uses an evar (even if the evar is correctly pointing to
the target. The popup entry would WORK, it just wouldn't show an icon
or the default icon). I'm thinking popup2 parses evars correctly for
the file path, but not for the icon. I'm using popup2.dll from the
02-09-2003 indiestep build (which I believe is still the latest),
though I'm relatively certain the problem goes back further than
that. I can reproduce the following by doing this:

*Popup &Search... "$miscDir$find.exe"
that line opens the find dialog but does not display an icon
*Popup &Search... "c:\litestep\themes\paradox 2.0\misc\find.exe"
that line opens the find dialog and properly displays the icon

if the full path is loaded into a global evar and that evar used
alone in the popup line it works though, IE

FindUtility "c:\litestep\themes\paradox 2.0\misc\find.exe"
*Popup &Search "$FindUtility$"
works as it should, with the icon.

Furthermore the problem seems to be recursive, if I use
*Popup "LSDocs" !dynamicfolder:"$litestepdir$\lsdocs\*.html"
none of the entries in the dynamic folder have icons, however
*Popup "LSDocs" !dynamicfolder:"c:\litestep\lsdocs\*.html"
works fine.

Has anyone else noticed/can confirm this? Is there a newer version of
popup2 floating around somewhere that I somehow didn't hear about?
Thanks in advance.

Posted by member 602 on 2003-05-18 05:01:24 link

Well I've played around with this and here's what I've found.

If popup(sel)folderpix isn't specified, this works:

*popup "some Text" !DynamicFolder:"$Programs$"
*popup "some text" $filemanager$
*popup "some text" !Dynamicfolder:"$LitestepDir$LSDocs\*.htm
+these with custom icons..

If popup(sel)folderpix is specified, it obviously won't show any icons for folders, but it will also not show any custom icon either. This is quite reasonable cuz if you use folderpix you probably have the icon embedded in the image. I haven't tried specifying an arrowimage to see how that works, but I think it will. I BTW have the same build as you.