Litestep on the Go Thread last updated on 2003-05-15 18:26:15

Posted by member 32661 on 2003-05-14 18:38:40

I'm a college student, and I regularly frequent the campus labs. I sit and stare at the un-friendly microsoft user interface. I come home from the labs with the frown of contempt until I am warmed by my litestep desktop, with my custom minimalist theme.

Then it dawned on me: What if I could take litestep to the lab and run it over windows? I'm wanting to have it run off of a CD, so I can pop the cd in the drive, launch my shell over explorer, and enjoy.

Bonus points if I get busted by the lab-nazi's for "hacking" the system.

Does anyone have any advice and/or references regarding this task?

Posted by member 2112 on 2003-05-14 22:33:47 link

I don't think you will have much luck unless you have admin priveleges.

Posted by member 1 on 2003-05-15 00:15:49 link

You may be able to set your shell via a Roaming Profile. You may be able to add it to your Roaming Profile if you have admin rights on your own 2K or XP machine. Good luck

Posted by member 99 on 2003-05-15 00:54:22 link

Why would you need admin priveleges to run LiteStep on top of explorer? You don't have to set LiteStep to be your shell in order to use it, although some features may not work that way.

iirc, someone mentioned this a few months ago on the mailing list, but I don't remember who.

Posted by member 111 on 2003-05-15 02:10:39 link

It is possible to just kill explorer.exe's process and run litestep.exe :)
There is only one disadvantage - you can lose some systray icons... gggg...

Posted by member 15023 on 2003-05-15 02:14:30 link

Back at my school they disabled ctrl+alt+del and just about anything you could think of to kill off explorer.

Posted by member 7 on 2003-05-15 04:32:21 link

Use hideexplorer.dll and run it ontop of explorer. Some VWMs don't like that though.
About the admin privileges... there used to be a bug in 0.24.6 which forced you to run LS as an admin once so it could register its COM objects. I'm no sure if that bug still exists, but if it does try using a 0.24.7 beta instead.

Posted by member 111 on 2003-05-15 09:31:03 link

2 Mr.White: but... what about alternative task managers? and, of course, it is easy to write own "process killer" if you experienced in any programming language...

Posted by member 32661 on 2003-05-15 10:33:29 link

hmm... I'll try killing explorer later today to see what I can and cannot do. Particularly, I was thinking about hiding explorer and running it on top. My main concern was things like $litestepdir$ and similar. What does litestep put in the registry?

Posted by member 700 on 2003-05-15 18:26:15 link

Well, it wouldn't matter what litestep put in the registry, you don't even need registry to Run litstep, I mean, it doesn't Need to be installed, just copy and paste will work. Just use the newest litestep beta build, and have the CD autoload litestep.exe. Variables should be set based upon the folder that litestep.exe is located in. It doesn't HAVE to be in Any spacific folder. Most people just put it in C:\Litestep\