Is there a way to actually display a ";"? Because in the step.rc ";" is a way of commenting.
shortcuttext "123;456"
Shows up as 123 because it assumes ;456 is a comment. I actually want it to say "123;456". How do I do this?
nope....and in 5...6...30...whatever years I have been using LS I have never tried to display a ; on my desktop.
maybe the dev-team should add escapecode? ie: \; or something... though I've never needed this, either.
Adding escapes to the core now would cause issues...
When I finish updating my modules, they will allow \s to insert semicolons, and I was sure I stole the idea from somewhere. (I thought mzScript, but it seems not) Still, this won't help if you need to read stuff from a $var$ or .rc setting. (only bang commands)
The reason i want this is because I'm trying to create a theme that's extremely customizable. So for the winamp controls I'm using the webdings and for [previous] [play] [pause] [stop] [next]. ";" being Pause.
I guess I'll just have to create my own font.
or use !amp_playpause and just show the play button.