systray2.dll - override values Thread last updated on 2003-05-01 15:26:09

Posted by member 23979 on 2003-05-01 08:23:25

I tried to trick the systray with overriding the value for the background image in a second file specific for a certain color scheme.
I hoped that if I use the same property twice (or more), it would consider only the last. In fact it does not, it considers only the first.

That's want I wanted to do:
include "$ConfigDir$base.rc"
;this file should override color specific stuff
include "$ConfigDir$color.rc"

That's how it actually works:
;this file will override color specific stuff
include "$ConfigDir$color.rc"
include "$ConfigDir$base.rc"

From my point of view it is not very logic (but it seems to work ;).
Is this a special behaviour of systray (could be changed) or is this how the parser works for step.rc (likely not to change)?

btw: I tested only for systray yet.

Posted by member 5120 on 2003-05-01 09:54:50 link

This is general for all things in step.rc (or at least I think it is). And it is for this reason that for example personal.rc is read at the top of step.rc.

Posted by member 1 on 2003-05-01 10:02:27 link

The step.rc is read from the top down but only the first setting value is remembered I believe. ilmcuts can tell me Im wrong again...not like that isn't a usual occurance.

Posted by member 7 on 2003-05-01 15:26:09 link

DeV: you're correct though. You cannot override settings.