Explorer Problems Thread last updated on 2008-10-12 21:13:51

Posted by member 415592 on 2008-10-12 19:43:39

Ok firstly i know you have all probly heard of this problem before and are sick of answering it for the same people over and over.

Basically im running vista 32bit, found a theme i like (GSM), installs with no problems and upto now i havnt come across any bugs..i then open file manager and the explorer shell opens, (well it will because its set to open explorer.exe), how do i change it to open up the same as my theme? i found a visual style on GSM suite's website but it doesnt work when copying the files over to resources>themes, iv changed the registry so litestep runs as shell but still no change..Would i need a different file manager ?

All help would be appreciated, Thanks, Wez

Posted by member 1 on 2008-10-12 21:13:50 link

Yes...very tired of answering that question. Read the sticky last updated in March of 2003.