Shortcut Text Thread last updated on 2003-02-02 09:16:23

Posted by member 938 on 2003-02-01 12:59:55

How would I go about putting the text under a short cut?

Posted by member 831 on 2003-02-01 16:43:57 link

Do you mean the text tip? If so, it goes right after the *Shortcut command.

*Shortcut "text" 1.bmp 2.bmp 3.bmp... for example.

Posted by member 700 on 2003-02-01 20:17:36 link

If you are purely using litestep, you would have to have it as part of the image you were using as the shortcut.

Posted by member 700 on 2003-02-01 20:18:32 link

Sorry, I wish you could edit entries, anyway... I run litestep on top of explorer, so I have the normal desktop icons and such with the text under them.

Posted by member 7 on 2003-02-02 05:59:59 link

You could use label.dll

Posted by member 60 on 2003-02-02 09:16:23 link

there is textshortcuts.dll