Large format "Adapting" fonts? Thread last updated on 2008-05-03 03:36:59

Posted by member 318646 on 2008-05-02 12:12:33

I myself use a large format (22" widescreen), high resolution screen, and size 16 fonts at 1680 x 1050 don't really work (niether do many undersized jdesk workareas, but that's for anotehr coding idea), so I've been adjusting all of my fonts by hand. Which gets REALLY annoying. So i was wondering, since there's ussually jsut a reused font, over and over again, why not declare a global font and fontsize with if thens for screen size, say an if then for when the screen is larger than 1280 x 1024 then make hte font size 20(or 24) else make it 16 or 18 like a lot of people like, with custom fonts for certain things that are just written in right hten and there. I've been wondering why people don't try this since it's simple programming practice to try and make an adaptable program (and since a theme really is jsut a lua script, well we get the idea) so why have I only found that under a few themes, whilst most jsut sit at size 16 even with the global font decalred. So would this be feasable? I myself am new to the whole theming scripts (not much of a lua fan, python is jsut so adaptable XD), and was wondering what block of code I might need to add?

Posted by member 1 on 2008-05-02 12:41:54 link

The easiest way to "fix" this for you would be to go through each theme you download and search for "FontSize" and define them all to be $PersonalFontSize$ instead of whatever number is in there. And then define $PersonalFontSize$ in your personal.rc.

Posted by member 318646 on 2008-05-02 15:17:50 link

I've jsut been going through and replacing fontheight or size as I see it with 20 to avoid typing that much. And yeah that'd be useful, for those that have it defined. But what if htey don't have one defined?

Posted by member 1 on 2008-05-02 15:42:48 link

That is why I told you to do it to each of your themes. Most themers don't define a variable for the font name nor the size. They just type it over and over again. This way in the future if you ever change your mind about your font preference you can just make one change instead of going through and altering every theme you have again.

Posted by member 318646 on 2008-05-03 03:36:59 link

thats pretty true. should probably try and check if the personal fontheights defined first though. TY for the input, even though it was already what I was looking for...