dead Thread last updated on 2008-04-13 21:00:33

Posted by member 395500 on 2008-04-13 01:43:56

oK I know I am total n00b ect ect

but is this project DEAD there has not been a new vesion
update or patch in YEARS plz tell me ?

will there be a update or something other then more theam

if i missed update or post ect ect pls tell me

Posted by member 378340 on 2008-04-13 13:50:56 link

the post right below yours is about developing a new version, as well as just about every other thread in this category.

I know you are a n00b, since you are using IE right now (evident from all of the misspellings)

i'm not sure if the litestep core has had any recent updates, however many of the modules have. the litestep core, however, is only about 7 files. MOST of litestep is themes and modules.

Posted by member 395500 on 2008-04-13 16:34:18 link

not using IE it was Firefox
even n00bs know IE sucks :P
yes was referring the the CORE maby a updated package with all available Core and modules 'didn't see one lol'

is there a irc channel ?

Posted by member 1 on 2008-04-13 16:42:20 link

1) There are no modules that are part of the core.
2) There are updated core files available on the Internet. Unless you are familiar with beta testing though I would discourage you from trying them out to start.
3) There are multiple IRC Channels for LiteStep. All listed in the docs that I am going to guess you didn't read.

Posted by member 395500 on 2008-04-13 16:54:59 link

can't read the doc's there link is busted :(

and SEND IN THE BETAS I love a good bowl of bugg soup :P

Posted by member 1 on 2008-04-13 21:00:33 link
