Is it possible to use 32bit icons with litestep under windows 2000?
The only shell program that I know is talisman 2 2.5. The problem is I really wish to stay with litestep ^^.
i dunno what he means exactly... i think this would be best suited for the modules forum since LS itself doesn't handle icons, but there are modules that do.
he means shadows on icons
Means.. Alpha Transparancies on icons. Litestep doesn't Have desktop icons. You can get DeskFolders which is similar to having "Windows Explorer" on your desktop, or you can use the "layercut" module to have 32bit Alpha Transparent shortcuts.
I'm sorry. I should have been more specific.
How about the taskbar module?
Which taskbar module supports Alpha Transparancies on icons?
Thanks for all of your suggestions.
Wish there was a patch for win2000 so we can use all those cool icons.