My LS annoyances Thread last updated on 2007-07-24 12:00:44

Posted by member 378389 on 2007-07-23 12:24:21

Hi, I'm new to LS and i have a few problems.
1. Samurize does not start properly, all i get is the tray-icon
2. 3DCC does not start at all.
3. Rocketdock keeps disappearing.

Are there known fixes for these?

[Search was not working, so i apologize if these have already been answered elsewhere]

Posted by member 256241 on 2007-07-23 12:49:00 link

I don't know about those specific problems, I don't use any programs like that except Litestep, however, whilst the main search feature is broken, once you go into a sub-forum the search bar at the top works..

Posted by member 1 on 2007-07-23 13:16:42 link

1) I use Samurize and LS at home just fine. I have never had a problem with it not starting.

3) I believe jugg had a post about that just the other day for someone else. He suggested upgrading to the latest available development build available at

Posted by member 5575 on 2007-07-24 12:00:44 link

3DCC works fine for me, has for years.

Does the EXE show up in the task manager at all - even for a short time?