Where do I download Lite Step Source Code Thread last updated on 2007-07-04 13:28:03

Posted by member 375537 on 2007-06-22 16:55:19

Where do I download the lite step source code? Is it included with the binary distribution? The reason I am asking is because I am looking for a resource to find out how to get the currently running applications, or in other words how to build a task bar.



Posted by member 1 on 2007-06-22 17:23:04 link

You wouldn't want the LS source code. You would want the source code to a task module. Jugg posted the source to tasks.dll in the downloads section HERE.

Posted by member 31 on 2007-06-24 13:25:05 link

Nathan, what DeViLbOi said is correct. However, just FYI, LiteStep development resources can be found at http://www.lsdev.org

Posted by member 1 on 2007-06-24 15:25:52 link

o yea...sorry...didn't want to discourage someone from picking up the source and helping out. Sorry jugg.

Posted by member 194233 on 2007-07-02 12:25:27 link

Thanks for the info. Actually I'm not sure that what I was planning would necessarily be helping out. I'm doing some research and I just got lazy and sick of searching through the Windows API to try and figure out how to get windowed tasks. The research I'm doing is to create a Java-based task manager using native connectors (i.e. JNI or the Java native loadlibrary(..)). Anyway I did some stuff with the Windows API in Ruby, and thought I'd go a little deeper and give it a try in Java. As for the development resources, those might become useful also. Thanks. Happy hacking, you know what I mean.


Posted by member 31 on 2007-07-04 13:28:03 link

cool, well let us know how it goes. Always fun to hear what Litestep contributes to, even when it's unrelated.