Several theming questions in one thread.... Thread last updated on 2007-03-22 19:08:24

Posted by member 256241 on 2007-03-20 12:55:00

Hello, I have a few questions about the theme I am developing, and I thought I'd put them in one quickfire post:

1, What is the command to bring up Windows XPs (logoff/switch) window? At the moment I am using "!SwitchUser" but this doesn't give the option to logoff or any sort of confirmation.

2. Using umSlider to create a foobar2k volume slider. I have created the slider, however, using "TrackMode VOLUME", or "TrackMode 'VOLUME'" doesn't seen to work; the bar does not represent the value and even though the bar can be dragged about it doesn't change the volume...

3. [SOLVED] I have a label which is toggled visible states frequently, and it has other modules hooked into it. I want this label to absolutely be drawn above everything else, even the task manager ;). However, using alwaysontop on the modules hooked or the main module does not work. Could somebody tell me how to do this? This one in particular is frustrating.... (I have to minimize everything to see my taskbar/tray.

4. I'm using dynamp to communicate with foobar2k, all works well except for the amp_shuffle command. It neither toggles shuffle nor jumps to a random song (as I think it did with geekamp). Can shuffle mode be toggled for foobar2k? Also has a track progress bar ever been done? I'm thinking something like umslider which can jump around the position of the song if it's dragged.

5. [SOLVED] It's strange, I want to unhook my xtaskbar from the label, however when I remove the waitforbox and the hook command, it just disappears... It isn't drawn anywhere. I have tinkered at this for a good while and haven't found a solution. Could someone suggest to me some reasons as to why this may be happening?

Here is the theme that I am writing:

it's very easy to navigate

Thanks for reading, and I'd love any feedback that would lead me to resolving these niggling issues.

Posted by member 1 on 2007-03-20 16:05:12 link

3) Task Manager isn't part of windows and has it's own AlwaysOnTop setting that you can't get on top of. However, you can disable that in Task Manager. Now...LS had multiple ways of defining the OnTop'ness of a module. One is the AlwaysOnTop setting; however, this can be overridden by the modules load order. There is also a module, I can't remember the name of, that overrides everything and lets you define the order.

Posted by member 256241 on 2007-03-20 16:44:05 link

re 1,

Yeah, I looked in the docs before and only found:

!Logoff This will log off the current user and take you back to the Microsoft Windows Login Screen without prompting.
!Shutdown This command will display the Windows shutdown dialog box. (doesn't have log off and switch as an option)
!SwitchUser This command was added to give users the option of a "Quick Logout" in Windows XP. This basically is !Logoff without the "Are you sure?" window.

Of these three none of them call the equivilant to the shut down menu (but for log off/switch), and the other commands to log off and switch do so directly, they do not call that windows logoff options thing.

I assume there must be a way to do this?


I have tried alwaysontop on everything and it doesn't seem to work. How exactly does the load order affect the drawing?

I have just found and started looking into zorder-0.2. Will this help as the issue is concerning normal windows zorder as well as just in litestep... ?

[edit] I have added a bang "*script exec !zorderTop xLabel hooker" and this doesn't work either... Are there any settings that could cause this to happen?

[edit2] Well, it does work if I try to create the label off to the side of the screen, if I just start trying to bring it over a window I've just maximized it will appear under it.


Posted by member 256241 on 2007-03-20 18:15:45 link

(would have edited but it didn't work)

I've got it narrowed down to one circumstance now, I think the zorder module is helping. There is like I said one thing which brings up this error: when selecting a minimized task from the xtaskbar it does not call the command I have (xtaskbarOnSelect !clearhooker), the taskbar remains (it should be dismissed once clicked), if this puts the other window over the top the label won't be drawn on top unless the remaining xtaskbar (the whole label) is cleared and redrawn.

Is it a known issue or a setting that can be changed to make the OnSelect command to be called when selecting a minimized task?

[edit] No, it's not that, although that is annoying and weird, but it's just whenever you select a task bringing it to the front, the label will be drawn behind it . This is calling "!zorderTop xLabel hooker" in loads of places....


Posted by member 256241 on 2007-03-20 21:12:17 link

Okay, I have solved issue #3, I was doing some scripting to control its position and it just all kinda fell together. I'm not sure exactly what was wrong.

I'd still like to be able to close the popup when I select a minimized entry. It seems strange that the OnSelect just doesn't work with minimized items....

All of the other problems are still issues to me, so help is as always deeply appreciated.

Thanks for your time.

[edit] 5: It appears that the problem here is autoresizing... It isn't changing the height (vertical bar) from 0... I am using:

xtask2onadd !xTaskbarResizeBy xtask2 0 20
xtask2onremove !xTaskbarResizeBy xtask2 0 -20

(I have also tried variations of those bangs, things like !xtask2Resizeby ...., but those haven't worked either. Could someone tell me the right command for this or suggest another reason this might not be working?

[EDIT] I have solved #5 now.


Posted by member 362901 on 2007-03-22 16:35:58 link

I imagine xanmolbjerg looks like Einstein after a 6-pack of Jolt, muttering to himself and his monitor, banging on the keys, then getting up and scribbling on a dry-erase board, ala, Numb3rs. Then a few clouds part, and he dashes back to the keyboard to jam as much text/code in before his attention span window collapses again...

All in good humor, of course! ;-)

Posted by member 111 on 2007-03-22 18:22:01 link

2) there is foobar_spam.dll plug-in, install it and everything should be ok. it will help with some other apps, not only with umSlider module

Posted by member 256241 on 2007-03-22 19:08:24 link

I have installed foobar_spam.dll, but the slider doesn't work. This is needed for umSlider?

The commands for play/stop/pause/next/prev etc all work. However shuffle doesn't seem to do anything.