It would be nice if I wouldn't have to be on my toes with this site all the time or get logged out. I like to do other things too.
You mean browser that memorizes the user/pass combinations? Well.. I have that. Doesn't make this much less annoying tho.
doesn't matter...same answer. :) I am under the belief that the timeout is set high enough and I will not be having it changed.
bummer. more than once I've started a post, gone to look a few things up in another browser window and/or litestep, come back, and submitted the post, only to be tossed to the sharks on the login screen :(
I'm now in the habit of copying the entire post-in-progress to clipboard before submitting just to be sure I don't lose one again.
same here. i suppose you get used to it after a while though. *shrug*
When that happens to me, I just click login, then go back two in the browser's history and hit submit again.
Same here. If I write a long post I have to log in again. If some one calls me by phone have to log again. If I go to the bathroom ... log again, if I am browsing other pages at the same time... log again.
Although using wand on opera or other stuff is still a bit anoying.
Devil Boy: why you're so against changing it? I use many many other forum based on phpBB, Invision Power Board, and others, and this is the only one where I have to log in more than one time per sesion. I absolutely not agree with your belief. What is the point in having to log several times? And you can see that several users have the same problem... Which are the fears you have if you set a longer timeout? I don't understand what you are 'winning' with a timeout in which users are getting unwanted logouts. Besides if there are paranoid users, they can manually logout when they are using a public computer, or when they go to the bathroom.
Best regards,
PS: I had to log in again after writing this post.
I came across to
this in which devil boy states that the timeout is set to 15 minutes after inactivity. And I am definately getting logged out before that... maybe an opera (7.10) bug/issue?
I'll do some timing to know on how many minutes this ocurr to me.
Mguel: It isn't DeViLbOi's fault. It is a demand from the ISP as I understand it.
The timeout to me is set at enough time for anyone to write a post. In 15 minutes I could write a couple hundred word essay. Now then, we are aware of some problems with the system and we did ask for people with problems to report them so we could see how wide spread it was. I got 2 e-mails on it. We can't fix problems we don't know about.
Now...I have looked through your account info and you are being properly logged out and everything is running correctly. So don't spend 30 minutes writing another post.
WOW ! my old account got blocked a couple of months ago, but now I can use the old e-mail again !!! yay !
This is totally unrelated to the thread you realise.
But thank oyu sooo much, the site has improved tremendously while i was away, and I hope it keeps on improving!!!
The new forum organisations are nice and its good to see the Downloads section is up and running.
No more blassphemy from me any more!
PS: devilboi some slower typers that use the site casually (/me) may find it a bit frustrating getting logged out... and maybe some users have/will turn away from .... but not me ... or the other 28,000 users for that matter (wow!)
keep up the good work anyway, and thanks for letting me back!
I don't care how slow you type...15 minutes is a long time. I could write a couple hundred word essay in that time frame...and all you need is a couple words.
The only times I run into the limit is when I have to go look something up in order to respond, or if I actually have to think about what I want to say. (I'm a relatively fast typer, but a slow thinker :)
Not that I have a problem with it, it's less annoying than running out of donuts.
I often reach the timeout. Since I use Opera with the MDI I always leave websites, I frequent often, open in their own windows. I find it convienent to have a forum open and monitor the activity for days on end without having to log in more than once whilst I have the window open.
... and thanks to Opera I've discovered I can do this with Navigation > Reload Every > Custom ... (10 min). Now I'll never timeout as long as my Browser remains open :)
2 Dr Worm: That's an option although if you where in the middle of a post, you'll lost what you have written so beware.
As I said before I usually browse several pages at a time or I have to leave the pc for a while, and the 15 minutes (that on theory I thought more than enough) become short, nevertheless, I prefer to log again than having to write the post again ;)
PS:BTW 2 gieron:
>It is a demand from the ISP as I understand it.
I think that the demand from the ISP is to not use cookies. But never mind ;)
I reload the forum page but never use it to navigate. If I want to read posts or write a post I open the links in a new window. This way I don't have the problem you described.
I agree that the timeout is too short. I've been automatically logged out more than once before I could reply to a thread. It takes time to read the thread, to look up information, and then type a reply.
Yes, you do get used to logging in; it becomes habit. You'll get mad that day when you dont have to log in so often, that day that will never come. You'll love it so bad. Or the same for when you forget your password; Maybe you enjoy typing your password: tnl tab iyamagollldenngawdd enter. You log in so many times, you're likely to never forget :)
Eventually, if you ever learn that you always idle too long while trying to prepare a forum post, you will fix your habitual mistake and type posts in your text editor, and without hesitation re-login in another browser tab/(window?) before posting.
Or you can be like me and iteratively refine your post w/ the handy edit function, at the same time resetting your timeout.
In my opinion the timeout is way too short. I ocassionally read this forum at work and when doing something else, the 15 min comes together pretty quick (on the other hand, reading a long thread and then writing a reply on it might do the trick too).
A timeout of say... two hours wouldn't probably show much on the server load and no-one would have any problems anymore.
for the last time...I don't give a FUCK what you think would and would not be good on this topic. My hands are tied and that is it. If you don't like the fucking timeout go use a different site!