Is there an IRC channel for help/discussion? I googled and came up with some unworking/old servers that i couldnt connect to.
What I would like to know is, is there a !Bang command to open the console? Id like to add it to my popup menu. Also, is there a command to maximize a window by name? When I use !Minimize all, it messes up my Sysmetrix window, and I have to maximize it to correct it.
There are other channels...I just haven't used them in so long I can't remember them.
Define console. You mean the cmd window? You don't need a bang for that...just to use the evar defined in your evars.rc, I don't have LS handy. And I want to say for your other request you want WndMan.dll or something like that.
"just to use the evar defined in your evars.rc"
^-- Huh what?
I believe it is $CMDPrompt$....but I could be wrong.
Im talking about the little box that pops up when I press , where i can type in !Bang commands and it executes them right there. I want to know what the command is to make it appear so i can add the command to a menu
It's a module, lsxcommand.
!netreloadmodule lsxcommand-1.9.4
!netreloadmodule lsxcommand-2.0
But that's recursive :)
*netLoadModule lsxcommand-1.9.4
Will get you one. Making it look nice and pop up on some event will require you know a bit more, and that you have a more clear idea of what you're trying to do.
ermmm...if you have loaded it already, or it came with your theme, read the docs in your modules\docs folder and find the !Bang for yourself.
ah, I didnt realize it was just for this theme, its the only one ive ever used