need help with a theme build (noob question) Thread last updated on 2006-11-19 08:13:03

Posted by member 316810 on 2006-11-17 22:26:38

for starters i have been using litestep for several years now but have just made my first theme.

i would like to upload it for beta testing or release but don't how to package the theme into a .lsz or .zip file so it will properly install.

is there a program or do i just need to place the files and folders in a .zip in a specific way?

Posted by member 1949 on 2006-11-17 23:16:31 link

In the theme folder you should have your files placed like this.
Images folder | Only images go in here not the wallpaper
Config Folder | This is where you place all the included rc. files
Wallpaper Folder | Just for the wallpaper if included
Misc Folder | For fonts and whatever else
Theme.rc | Belongs in the main folder and not a sub folder
ReadMe.txt | Can be other formats like .doc .htm .chm also in the main folder

Zip the entire theme folder contents.
Then rename it to a .lsz extention
Always try your theme first!
If your running your theme change to another theme.
Delete the theme in the theme folder
Refresh your themes list
And try and install your theme.
If it asks what to open the lsz file with choose lsthemeinstaller.exe located in the Litestep\Utilities Folder

And if you want to see if all the modules download properly open a explorer.exe window and browse to your modules folder.
Push Ctrl+Alt+F1
Hold down shift key and then select recycle
This will pause litestep and allow you to delete modules.
You have an explorer window open now so push ctrl+a to select all items in the modules folder and hit your delete key on the keyboard.
Click ok to unpause litestep and you will be asked to download modules for the theme.
If all goes well and the modules download I would say its ready to be released!

That should do it for ya!
I hope this helps out everyone wanting to get new themes out!

Posted by member 316810 on 2006-11-19 08:13:03 link

thank you. that was what i needed.