Install theme / change wallpaper Thread last updated on 2006-10-25 16:03:04

Posted by member 345585 on 2006-10-24 15:43:38

Love the looks, hate the user animosity! Can anybody help? Installed LS 0.24.7 on win2000, went without a hitch. Then tried to change the theme, none works. well, no, out of 25 the odd two. Usually it says that it couldn't find something. But even the 2 times that it did work out it refused to change the wallpaper, although "apply wallpaper" was/is one of the settings. So trying to do it "manually", I chased the forums for an answer and foumd the obvious control panel-> monitor settings. Great there I could find all the old windows wallpaper, the ones that a. o. made me set out to look for something different.
So, How do I get the LS wallpaper to find it's way to the wallpaper directory or how can I make the monitor settings thingy wise enough to find them? Any help most welcome!

Posted by member 1 on 2006-10-24 16:07:28 link

1) The default install doesn't include all of the current module download locations and themers are using these modules. You will need to get an updated site list, but I don't have one in front of me currently.

2) LS will only change the wallpaper to the one in the screenshot if the theme is setup properly to include the wallpaper. Not all themes do it, nor do all themers know how to do it. And secondly not all themes include wallpapers so you may just be SOL. You can check your Misc folder under the theme and see if it included and set it just like you would in Explorer. If you don't know how to choose a wallpaper outside what is in the Windows Control Panel Applet...don't use will never comprehend what you are doing.

Posted by member 5575 on 2006-10-25 00:25:01 link

Set explorer (the file manager) to thumbnail view, and you can just right click on any picture and select "Set as background". Doesn't matter what shell you are using.

Posted by member 345585 on 2006-10-25 12:20:08 link

Thanks guys, yes, I sort of "figured out" that I could do it that way. But, just for argument's sake, isn''t that what you would expect a "theme" to do? Isn't that why you want to install a theme instead of just icons and a taskbar? Anyway, before changing theme my desk had a number of shrtcuts and icons none of which appear in the new theme. When I go back to default (austerity) the re-appear. Any suggestions how to have them stick around in the new theme?

Posted by member 5575 on 2006-10-25 12:50:44 link

With LS everything is configurable. You can have desktop icons - or not. You can modify the wallpaper automatically - or not. Not everyone likes the same things. If you want to add a feature from one theme to another theme (e.g., desktop icons), you need to read the documentation for that particular module and learn how to integrate it into the new theme.

Posted by member 1 on 2006-10-25 13:18:55 link

and as for always changing the wallpaper with a theme...themes aren't all about the wallpapers.

Posted by member 345585 on 2006-10-25 15:36:34 link

Thanks again guys and Boreas here's another really stupid question: where do I find "the documentation for that particular module"? Is it hiding somewhere in the themes directory or do I have to find it on the internet?

Posted by member 1 on 2006-10-25 16:03:04 link

lets try the modules\docs folder...but that would just be a guess...