What _exactly_ should I be seeing? Thread last updated on 2006-10-20 15:25:09

Posted by member 348855 on 2006-10-20 14:37:46

I have (theoretically) installed LiteStep on my WinXP SP2 laptop. The only diff I see is a nice new desktop background. Should I be seeing this "default" windows, or something else? The docs and everything weren't too clear on this part...

BTW, I have already rebooted 3 times trying various things mentioned by other forum responders. And I couldn't find anything relevant in the search.

Posted by member 1949 on 2006-10-20 14:56:49 link

you need an internet connection!

Posted by member 348855 on 2006-10-20 15:00:17 link


First off, why? (Sorry, I didn't see anything about a net connection in the wiki or docs [what I could find of them, anyway]).

Second, I have a net connection. As soon as windows loads and I logon to my account, the wireless card connects.

Posted by member 348855 on 2006-10-20 15:25:09 link

Problem solved -_-' I had used Omar's installer. It had missed a couple of reg entries. Went through the wiki's install article and got it sorted out. Now, to install a workable theme...