Hey folks,
I'm having a bit of trouble with the Penumbra theme. Every time it loads, and it has done this from the beginning, it brings up the following error message:
Error: Could not locate module.
Please check your configuration.
Is there something that I can do? I have reinstalled the umslider module but that has not helped. I will try reinstalling the theme itself, but would appreciate any help you might be able to give.
Best Regards,
Try reading the docs for the module.
It may be an MS runtime DLL dependency problem. What msvc* DLL's do you have in your system32 directory? (e.g., msvcp71.dll, msvcr71.dll)
Oh - and one other possibility. Check out the NetLoadModule.ini file in your LiteStep\NLM folder, and see if there is an entry in there for umslider. If there is, delete that line, save the file, and then !recycle. Maybe that file had a bad entry from an earlier period when the module wasn't yet available on the netloadmodule sites (it was included with the theme)?
theres msvci70, irt, p50, p60, p70, p71, r70, r71,rt20, rt40, rt. I'm gonna try the NetLoadModule.ini bit now, but those ar the ones in my system32 folder...hope you can make something of that, cuz it really means little to me...many thanks!
and no, umslider is not mentioned in NetLoadModule.ini
Hmmm, seems as if you've got everything I do in the DLL department, and it works fine for me. The module *is* really there in your modules folder, right? (C:\LiteStep\modules\umslider-0.3.dll)
oh yes, i've checked, heck i even downloaded it separately and unzipped it into the directory, it turned out to be two days newer, the one i put in myself, but its definitely there
There must be some other unresolved dependency then. I'll have to do some digging and see if I can figure out what it might need to load properly. Nobody else has reported this problem, AFAIK. What OS are you using, BTW? All patched and up to date? (not that that's necessarily the problem, but who knows at this point...)
win xp 32 running on an a turion64 fully updated (my school makes sure of that)
OK, it looks as if you need msvcp80.dll and/or msvcr80.dll in order to use stuff compiled with MS Visual C++ 2005 (Express edition, the free one). I thought this only applied to executables, but perhaps the DLL's have the same issue. There is an installation package from MS available
I don't know why more people haven't reported problems though, unless those DLL's are also part of another package (e.g., .NET 2.0 or something) that most people already have. Or maybe it's just that nobody else has tried installing the Penumbra theme yet. ;)
"Or maybe it's just that nobody else has tried installing the Penumbra theme yet."
I have it installed. :D I've even used it (plus mine, West's and spaghetti boy's, among others) for tests for this super secret app I'm making...shhh.
boreas, you are a miracle worker. you were right, its in the dlls. it works like a charm now. thanks!
@xcal: Do you have Visual Studio installed, or did you acquire those MS DLL's through some other download (.NET, etc.)? And spaghetti boy? Ha! We'll just have to make fractal change his nick, I suppose.
@the_russkey: Well, if I can't even help someone get my own theme working, I wouldn't be much good, would I? =P
Spaghetti Boy -- lol! Is that fractal's super hero alias? :D
Honestly, not sure where I got those DLLs from, but I do have Visual Studio installed, and .NET stuff.
Well, lesson learned, I suppose. That'll have to go into the theme and module docs for the next update. That way DeViLbOi's advice will work. ;)